リードアニメーターのミッチ・クリフォード(Mitch Clifford)氏の解説によると,島々では,水牛やイノシシを思わせる生物を狩りつつ,さまざまなアイテムを獲得してクラフティングを行っていくと紹介されており「同じ場所で生活の場を築くのではなく,限られた資源の中で動き回るサバイバル」であるという。
インタフェースとテキストが日本語化される予定で,すでにSteamやEpic Gamesストアでプレオーダーも開始している。本作は,古代遺跡のような場所を調査することで,地域の歴史を徐々に解き明かしていくようなストーリーになっており,テキストや壁画など,ビジュアル重視のストーリーテリングに期待できそうだ。
Epic Gamesの「Windbound」ストアページ
(C)2020 and published by Koch Media GmbH, Austria. Deep Silver is a division of Koch Media. Deep Silver, Windbound and their respective logos are trademarks of Koch Media GmbH. Developed by 5 Lives Studios. 5 Lives Studios and their respective logo are registered trademarks of 5 Lives Studios Pty Limited . All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
(C)2020 and published by Koch Media GmbH, Austria. Deep Silver is a division of Koch Media. Deep Silver, Windbound and their respective logos are trademarks of Koch Media GmbH. Developed by 5 Lives Studios. 5 Lives Studios and their respective logo are registered trademarks of 5 Lives Studios Pty Limited . All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
(C)2020 and published by Koch Media GmbH, Austria. Deep Silver is a division of Koch Media. Deep Silver, Windbound and their respective logos are trademarks of Koch Media GmbH. Developed by 5 Lives Studios. 5 Lives Studios and their respective logo are registered trademarks of 5 Lives Studios Pty Limited . All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
(C)2020 and published by Koch Media GmbH, Austria. Deep Silver is a division of Koch Media. Deep Silver, Windbound and their respective logos are trademarks of Koch Media GmbH. Developed by 5 Lives Studios. 5 Lives Studios and their respective logo are registered trademarks of 5 Lives Studios Pty Limited . All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.