Windows 98/Me/2000/XP,CPU PentiumIII/700MHz以上(Pentium4/1GHz以上推奨),メモリ 128MB以上(256MB以上推奨),空きHDD容量 500MB以上,VRAM 16MB以上(32MB以上推奨),DirectX 8.1以降
PLATOON interactive Game(all object code,all other components and certain audiovisual components only)
(C)2002 Monte Cristo Multimedia.Monte Cristo and its logo are registered trademark of Monte Cristo
Multimedia.PLATOON interactive Game(certain audiovisual components)
(C)2002 Orion Pictures Corporation.PLATOON TM & (C)1986 Orion Pictures Corporation.All rights reserved.
All other trademarks and logos are property of their respective owners.Developed by Digital Reality.